The Beginning

' ' The principle is the unit of all coisas' ' (5), unit in the direction of, although the differences and of the multiplicity of the things, the principle reuniz them, only condenses them in one, giving to such thing an identity, a proper characteristic. The principle also is the beginning of devir, of coming to be. To look the beginning of devir of all the things is the same that to unify them, but of one another form, respecting the immutability of the things. As well as the beginning of the multiplicity it is to reduce to the unit, the beginning of devir, being to devir the change, is to reduce to the immutability. The change is secular, therefore, the beginning of devir is also to reduce the time to the eternity, that is, to the immutability (6).

Therefore, to argue on the beginning of all the things is to argue on the totality, therefore, it is in it that all the things are and are for consequence of it that it is possible the unification of the things, that is, the principle. Let us pass now to the examination of the cause. Cause is that of that all the things depend to exist, since in the cause he is to devir. Without the cause, the things do not have coming to be, that is, they cannot exist becoming contradictory in the direction of that it cannot have something without cause. Aristotle defines the causes of all the things as being four: the material cause, that of that the thing is made; the formal cause, what the substance will be, its form; the efficient cause, that of that drift the thing, it made what it; the final cause, that so that the thing is made, its purpose. If we had that to hierarquizar these four causes, them would be thus: efficient cause, material cause, formal cause and final cause.

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