Monthly Archives: February 2022

Industrial Landscape

In the cleanness it publishes the problems were many, had garbage for all side, were played in the edges of prainha garbage of all type, construction material, garbage I domesticate and I tie dead animals as if the pollution provoked … Continue reading

Benetton Companies

knowledge of the situation of the accumulations in an important locality provides insights on the productive potential of the local economy and on the limitations to its future development. Thus, the advantages most lasting in the global economy will be, … Continue reading

The Brazilian

The evolution of the technology promoted the advance of the climatologia in Brazil, with more sophisticated and more necessary devices. The Brazilian climatologia account with innumerable documents, however, still is sufficient far from allowing a detailed knowledge of the climate … Continue reading

Technological Classrooms

In function of this, innumerable initiatives appear that utilizamo CD-ROM to create and to distribute environments of interaction and learning. Soambientes infantile especially drawn to interact with children; psicodlicos environments stop to create the sensation of demanded interatividade porjovens for … Continue reading