Technological Classrooms

In function of this, innumerable initiatives appear that utilizamo CD-ROM to create and to distribute environments of interaction and learning. Soambientes infantile especially drawn to interact with children; psicodlicos environments stop to create the sensation of demanded interatividade porjovens for the study of special subjects; particular environments for temasacadmicos, professional studies, continued qualification, etc. For more information see this site: trees. If porum side the CD-ROM total is made solid as a capable tool to deoferecer all the necessary resources for environment creation of eaprendizado interaction, for another one, the sprouting of the Internet places in focus this paradigmae questions the possibility of if migrar for this new environment, the Internet, all the experiences that mark the interaction of the user when of the use deambientes in Compact disc. While both the technologies continue to coexist compapeis perhaps defined not so well, generating overlapping of its performances emalguns moments, appear some actions that they look to integrate two tecnologiascriando surrounding ones expanded and colaborativamente integrated, keeping for umlado the capacity of distribution of data weighed, allowed for Compact disc, and colaborativa acaracterstica of the Internet.

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