Industrial Landscape

In the cleanness it publishes the problems were many, had garbage for all side, were played in the edges of prainha garbage of all type, construction material, garbage I domesticate and I tie dead animals as if the pollution provoked for them was not enough manufactures txteis. What it was seen was caus, the decay of prainha, in the state where if they found many people who made of prainha its point of leisure harming it I deal local, formed mainly of owners of bars and restaurants what all indicated the area where it has times behind was destined to the esquecimento, all a history of involves the sergipana society since the change of the capital would be only in the souvenir. The alterations in the landscape of prainha that nothing they pleased the population if had made gift, finishing for reing-echo in its functionality that was to promote a space where the people if amused and admired the natural landscape. The Revitalizao of the Prainha In the year of 2003, opens was initiated them of revitalizao of prainha of the Industrial quarter, with intention to revitalize the area that the years did not pass for a reform, the project implanted for the city department of planning: SEPLAN, aims at to reurbanizar the area rescuing its functions and placing it as a new space of leisure and tourism of the capital. Since that the municipal government announced the reform of the area varies had been the expectations, as much of the inhabitants of the quarter, as of all the Aracajuana society, that still kept to the souvenirs of the old chica xavez, to the sundays repleta of people, if to bathe in calm waters of prainha evidently today few are risked to enter in waters you denounce due them of pollution of its waters. Today revitalized with its structure and landscape modified with name and status of orlinha, old prainha of the industrial quarter comes back to exert the purpose the one that always was destined to promote diversion, leisure, and a pretty landscape.

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