The Brazilian

The evolution of the technology promoted the advance of the climatologia in Brazil, with more sophisticated and more necessary devices. The Brazilian climatologia account with innumerable documents, however, still is sufficient far from allowing a detailed knowledge of the climate of the Country. The Brazilian climatologia still has many challenges to be faced, as much as for the detailing of the atmospheric dynamics how much to the climatic diversity of the Country. Rhythmic analysis in Climatologia the rhythmic analysis is a method of daily analysis of the elements of the determined climate of one local one. This method was created by Brazilian gegrafo August Carlos de Figueiredo Hunter and consists of analyzing daily changeable meteorological, as the sums of precipitation, relative humidity of air, maximum, average and minimum temperatures and the operating atmospheric systems.

From the attainment and filtering of the data, a graph with daily scale is constructed, where bars represent the precipitated sums and lines the minimum temperatures and maximum. Above of this graph the humidity in percentage has a line representing and below a colorful bar that indicates the operating atmospheric systems in each analyzed period. This analysis is very useful for the studies of geographic climatologia, therefore through the comparison between different periods it is possible to identify the climatic anomalies, through the definition of which situation can be considered the habitual one for the studied area. Scales of study in Climatologia the scale of study of any object, delimits its dimension. The definition of it scales of the climate imposes it all on study to this branch of the knowledge, a time that manifest it if in all the places of the Planet. The delimitation of the area (three-dimensional) of study constitutes one of the first steps of the work in Climatologia. The climatic scale says respect to the dimension, or order of magnitude, space (extension) and weather (duration), according to which the climatic phenomena are studied.

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