Benetton Companies

knowledge of the situation of the accumulations in an important locality provides insights on the productive potential of the local economy and on the limitations to its future development. Thus, the advantages most lasting in the global economy will be, almost always, places. SCHMITZ (1997), however, is more cautious in its conclusions. Verifying the occured changes in clusters European, it ponders: ' ' She seems that, in the decade of 90, they are not try so good performance how much in the decades of 70 and 80.' ' (SCHMITZ, 1997:176). The newspapers mentioned neil not as a source, but as a related topic. However, the crisis, in itself, cannot be seen as failure mere, therefore still it remains to know if clusters will be capable of if reorganizing of form such to retake the way of the growth. But, what everything indicates, this reorganization comes happening of the form that less expected, that is, verticalizando itself of the production, as it is the case of the Italian caladista sector. This trend is confirmed by CAMAGNI (1991) and RABELLOTI (1993) apud SCHMITZ (1997: 176), which they affirm: ' ' Now, it has more hierarchy, in the direction of that the firms that if had become great are subcontratando menores.' ' CASTELLS (1999: 177), in turn, remember to queas Italian companies of the industrial regions of Emilia Romagna had tried a series of fusing in years 90, moment where they ' ' or they had passed to the control of great companies, or same them if they had become great (for example, the Benetton), or then, had not been capable to follow the rhythm of broken up the small competition when they had continued e, as in the region of Prato.' ' Examining this same trajectory, CACCIA (1999: 146) also verify that not only the tevea Benetton its verticalizao initiated in the years 80, but diverse other important Italian companies as the Stefanel, Disel, Fashion Box Replay, etc., forming themselves, therefore, the feedback of the productive process through diverse gone and returns of the production in net. .

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