BBs Diet

This diet was at the end of the 19th century. Century under the name: Banting Spa in Germany popular. In the conversation lexicon (Mayer) it was known as cure Wohlbeleibtheit and obesity. It is the forerunner of the Atkins diet. Scientifically, the Atkins diet was little accepted because of cholesterol metabolism until a few years ago. Books: The cholesterol lie, the tale of the bad cholesterol by Dr.

med Walter Hartenbach, Munich 2002 many new controlled studies provide evidence that this reduced carbohydrate diet is safe and effective. It is also cheap on the fat and glucose metabolism. See also the source of the information: nutritional medicine by January 2008 the Logi method by Dr. med. Peter Heilmeyer, Medical Director, rehabilitation clinic uberruh, Isny (offprint) at the end of the 1990s by Prof. David Ludwig at Harvard University the Logi pyramid introduced. The renowned nurse BBs health study from the United States showed that a high fat intake does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

She says out that the absence of animal fats brings a double stroke risk. Not the fat is fat, but many carbohydrates are guilty of many chronic diseases and obesity. The low-carbohydrate diet was also used as therapy in the treatment of epilepsy and cancer. The metabolic State achieved through this form of nutrition, called also ketogenic diet. See: Christina Schlatterer, Neue Zurcher Zeitung, February 13, 2008. She writes in its report that there is increasing tangible positive effects with sick people. The ketogenic diet is used since antiquity to treat epilepsy. new drugs for epilepsy were discovered in 1940 and this form of nutrition was forgotten. From the Institute of biochemistry of the University of Leipzig, the cancer researcher Prof. Dr. Gerd Bala Chandran says that sugar is the motor of the cancer cells. On the website of the University of Leipzig, Department: Medical school, this doctor indicates that an unprecedented by the industrial age unprecedented change has taken place in the direction of carbohydrates. According to Prof. Bala Chandran (Leipzig biochemist), we don’t actually need this KH but protein and fat. He also says: the man would not from fat fat, but by the many KH. He recommends the reduction of carbohydrates as cancer screening. Thus, possible tumor cells would literally starved, he says.

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