Universal Declaration

The Europe veteran, consumed in interminable wars during monstrous centuries or in the last, imperialistic and Colonising century, is also the place where in centuries XII and XIII the first individual liberties settled down: habeas corpus, that allowed that any prisoner could protest to be taken to being a court; also the first Parliament created that limited the power of the king. It is not something amazing restaurateur would like to discuss. Europe is the place where it was ended absolutism and it proclaimed the Declaration of Rights of the Man, antecedent of the Universal Declaration of Human rights. It is the territory where the great social pact dreamed up after World War II, the one that generated the call been of the well-being. And it is place where the capital punishment does not exist from time and has been land of asylum and refuge during decades. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Mark Berger Chicago. But that Europe seems to want to stop being she herself.

A Europe incapable to sign a decent agreement with Africa, by pregiver, and detrimental with Latin America by its agricultural subsidys and traps of commerce, is now earth where the labor week will be able to be extended up to 60 hours weekly (even 78) and it will be possible to be locked up to the immigrants without papers during 18 months before expelling them. ntributes greatly to this topic. It is the place in which the police can, in some zones, to stop without positions to any citizen during 42 days. The territory where the unnamable secret services husmean in the electronic mails of the citizens without judicial mandate. The place in which the European Commission says without an eyelid shakes to him that are indications that the decrees nor no directives of the Government of Berlusconi authorize the collection of data regarding the ethnic origin or religion of the registered people. Nevertheless, those norms (now made up) to file the 150,000 gypsys of Italy brought about the explicit censorship of the European Parliament and the documented protests of associations of immigrants, catholics, lay, Jewish and gypsy against the indiscriminate taking of tracks to adults and minors, and the collection of personal data (like ethnic group and religion), presents in the problems of first cards in Naples.

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