Pretty Bar

According to arqueologistas, it has at least six a thousand years, populations if they use of the hidrogrfica basin of the River Tiet, a river that also had paper of prominence in the period of the Bandeirantes, and in the electrification of the city of So Paulo. Pretty bar – it is a Brazilian city of the state of So Paulo. It bes situated a latitude 2229' 41' ' South and to a longitude 4833' 29' ' West, being to an altitude of 457 meters. Its population esteem in 2004 were of 37 871 inhabitants. A tourist ranch is considered Barrage of Pretty Bar officially is located in the Brazilian state of So Paulo, in the city of Pretty Bar and dam the waters of the river Tiet, basin of the river Paran. It is where Pretty Bar functions the Hidroeltrica Plant, that possesss four Kaplan turbines with a total of 36,024 megawats (mW) of power, the barrage with 287 meters of length and the dam has 308 kilometers squared (km ) of extension and accumulates (volume) 2,566 kilometers cubical of water (Km3). In the construction of the barrage he was used 500,000 cubical meters (m3) of concrete.

It has a capacity of 3.521 cubical meters for second (m3/s). Fall dgua is of 23,50 meters (m). In the barrage the canal lock exists that possesss a length of 142,20 meters, width of 11 meters and its unevenness is of 25 meters. The canal lock is used for boats of tourism and loads to pass to the other level of the barrage and with this to allow the continuation of the navigation in the river Tiet. Good water: daqui 30 years You find that the guilt of the pollution of the Tiet is all of the politicians? He knows that he is not well thus. About 35% of the dirt he comes of what he is played by the citizens in the streets of So Paulo.

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