Europe Asturias

MIGUEL ANGEL ASTURIAS: THE PRESIDENT. 1. Introduction. The goal we propose to perform this monograph is closer to the narrative of Miguel Angel Asturias by one of his main novels: Mr. President. So this novel is the only study material and our starting point will be detailed reading. Our decision has been to produce a comprehensive study on her instead of focusing on the analysis of one aspect. The extension set for this work requires us to provide a basic study on it so we only focus on the main aspects: theme, plot, characters and, more profoundly, in analyzing the author’s style in this work. The edition we will handle will be edited by the Chair, in addition, we will rely on some notes taken from stories on Latin American literature Miguel ngel Asturias. In the section devoted to the literature will specify these data. In the following section on Miguel Angel Asturias, will post some short notes about the author as a review and, finally, we will reserve a section for conclusions that would have raised both the reading of the novel as the development work. 2. Miguel Angel Asturias. Miguel Angel Asturias (Guatemala, 1899-Madrid, 1974) he studied law and was involved early in the political struggle against the regime of Estrada Cabrera. In 1923 he went to Europe, and after a brief stay in London he moved to Paris. In the French capital became interested in pre-Columbian cultures. His literary concerns are not substantially different from those shared by members of his generation who was then living in Europe (Borges, Huidobro, Carpentier, Vallejo). Published in 1925 the volume of poems Rayito stars. His concern for the cultural past of his land made him translate the French version of the Popol Vuh (1927) and published three years later, Legends of Guatemala. In 1933 Asturias returned to Guatemala where he was involved in politics, popular university founded and led the radical newspaper Diario del Aire. He later served as cultural aggregation of the embassy in Mexico and, years later, Argentina.In 1946 he published The President, a novel made years ago and emerged from his talks in Paris with the Peruvian writer Cesar Vallejo and Venezuelan Arturo Uslar-Pietri and other projects requiring later. The story recalls the final years of the dictatorship of Estrada Cabrera and lays the foundation of the author’s romantic imagination, a brutal and unjust world, but expressed with an almost unreal plasticity and a rich language in which Asturias try to find the “biological dimension “language as a means of expression of indigenous thought. However, the realization of this idea was reserved for a later novel: Men of Maize (1949). About local mythologies strange poetry, language determines the whole book: the language is Spanish, as amended by Indians, but the mentality that makes Indian. Men of maize poses a social conflict: the silent struggle between indigenous customs and Western pragmatism later, the trilogy consisting of Strong Wind (1950), The Green Pope (1954) and The eyes of the interred (1960) aborted the problem of Guatemalan banana plantations, controlled by United Fruit Company.

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