Analytical Engine Idea

This he advanced to the use of Hardware when inventing " " machine of diferencias" ". 1.6 THE ANALYTICAL MACHINE In 1.834 Babbage conceived the one idea " " machine analtica" " , which was not another thing that a general-purpose computer, it is Analytical Engine was able to realise up to 60 mathematical operations per minute. The machine had a memory with a capacity of storage of 1,000 numbers of 50 numbers the main disadvantage of its invention was that it required of an ample space, thousand of gears and mechanisms and needed the energy a locomotive to drive itself. The skeptics who never lack nicknamed the invention of Babbage like " " The madness of Babbage" " this work in its Analytical Engine until its death in Great Britain is used a called programming language BABBAGE in its honor. In 1.843 Lady August Ada Lovelace suggested the idea that the punched cards could adapt so that they caused that the motor of Babbage repeated certain operations. Reason why some people consider to August Lady Ada Lovelace like the first programmer. In its memory the name occurred in 1.979 of ACCEPTS to a computer language 1,7 PROCESS OF DATA WITH PUNCHED CARDS: HOLLERITH In year 1,957, idea arises to automate census population, since in it completes opportunity that had been realised (1.880), took about seven years to obtain the final results, since the process was realised manually, reason why it was deduced that the next census would take but of ten years due to the population growth. The government of the United States decides to summon a committee that is in charge of the accomplishment of this process, appeared three proposals, adjudging itself the work to Herman Hollerith, who applied the principle of punched cards for the storage of data that already Babbage had used. .

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