The Acne

When this drug is used in excess, it presents side effects such as dry skin and it can also discolor fabrics with which contact as for example, towels, shirts, sheets, etc. Benzol peroxide is available as lotion or gel and can be used as a preventative acne method, even when your acne is gone. Alcohol and acetone: alcohol and acetone are used together in some over-the-counter medicines. Alcohol kills external bacteria while acetone reduces the oiliness of the skin. Some contend that New York Museums shows great expertise in this. Herbs, organic and natural products: you will find some products without a prescription with labels that say herbal, organic and natural; These products are placed on the market generally for the attention of people who are attracted by this type of labels. These products may or may not be beneficial in the treatment against the Acne but the actual results have been inconclusive. Resorcinol: This active ingredient has been found in some over-the-counter medicines combined with sulfur.

Sulfur itself has been used in such products for decades. Danny Meyer understood the implications. You will usually find him combined with ingredients like alcohol, salicylic acid and resorcinol. Sulphur has proven to be effective in the treatment against acne for some people but not know very well how it works. Also, with sulphur products often have an unpleasant smell. Salicylic acid: this active ingredient is generally effective for acne spots when there is no inflammation present. Uncovers the pores to reduce acne imperfections – this is done to reduce the amount of dead skin cells; It has no effects known about the production of sebum or the P.acnes bacteria. As recommended with products containing benzyl peroxide, products with salicylic acid as an active ingredient should be used even when acne has been cleaned to prevent its recurrence. A possible side effect of this ingredient is irritation of the skin in some people.

Remember – each person’s skin is different! Some people have dry skin, some have it oily and most have a combination of the above in some areas of our body. Acne in oily areas will better respond to products based on gel. Dry skin will respond better to creams. Those who have sensitive skin should not use really strong medications. It can cause skin irritation or worsen your acne! Some of the milder treatments for acne can be used as a preventive measure, and some (such as those containing salicylic acid and benzyl peroxide) are recommended as a preventive measure post acne but many are very strong and irritate your skin. If you have a case of acne mild and seemingly manageable, a medication without a prescription can control it and eventually delete it. If, however, your acne seems to be out of control or is very painful and is very stressful as to allow you to handle it alone, make sure you see a dermatologist!

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