Spanish Constitution

It is the fifth time that I stop this week. Complaints that are heard on the streets of the capital of Spain. Immigrants who are stopped by the police to identify them and ask for papers. If they do not they are arrested and a record of expulsion opens them. Immigrant associations and NGOs are eligible of unacceptable persecution that are still subject to persons immigrants, since not having papers does not mean losing the dignity and the fundamental rights of the person. The news that police stations in Madrid had the order to stop a number of immigrants every week caused a great stir among politicians and created some social alarm. Ordering agents to arrest a minimum of 35 people without papers. However, some police officers explained that the quota of arrests are not a new thing and that the identifications by skin color and how to talk lead doing in Madrid from 14 years ago.

In addition, these agents defend that, knowing that there are people in irregular, just identifying people you can find out whether or not they are in that situation. Organizations of immigrants as ATIME or SOS Racism, instead, already denounced this situation a few years ago. These measures are far from creating a sense of security among citizens, and there even in the Lavapies neighborhood, where there is a high rate of foreign population, was a protest against police harassment to these people. The immigrant population has grown substantially in recent years in Spain. More than five million immigrants living in this country. Of them, only 1 million are in an irregular situation. The rest, four million, are full citizens: they work, study and performing activities of daily life, which is hampered by this hunting the immigrant. Agents are no longer limited to be in the streets, attend places of gathering of the immigrants: locutorios, bars or shops of their communities, parks or squares where they meet Until now, immigrants were welcomed.

There was work and they came to work, to contribute to our Social security system and in the growth of the Spanish economy. Today, immersed in a global economic crisis, immigrants are no longer viewed as well. Already in itself a vulnerable group, this new economic situation has made weaker than them. Many have lost their jobs, have to go to social resources to survive and suffer racist and xenophobic attitudes. Filed under: trevor clark angelo gordon. Immigrant organizations have denounced the aggression of this type increased in recent months. And in countries like England, demonstrations have occurred to hire English labor rather than foreign. Persons who emigrate come to work, to seek a better future for themselves and their families. We associate crime and immigration wrong way and performances as the police in Madrid do not help to change this Association. However, of the 77,000 prisoners who are in Spain, little more than 20,000 are immigrants. Article 17 of the Spanish Constitution says that everyone has the right to freedom and security. The indiscriminate persecution of persons immigrants violates this law and discriminates and criminalises people simply find themselves in an irregular administrative situation. Immigrants are in a situation of defencelessness and it harms social coexistence and integration into society. The Administration must not open more debate and social conflict. Civil society must demand that there is a commitment, even more so in these times of crisis, with a policy of true social inclusion of those who come to contribute to the growth of our society, as did our grandparents in other countries.

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