Social Security

We are not the richest in the world, but as if we were. A citizen of Luxembourg or United States lives always overwhelmed by deadlines and mortgages, does not have an annual month of vacation and out clubbing nights costing a paston. Here, on the other hand, not us have private anything, and when he couldn’t give us cash, obtained loans to go sightseeing to the Seychelles or make us a facelift. Pays the rest us Social Security, that even dispenses medication without medical consultation. If this is not live as a raja, come Dios and see it. By having up to too many US homes, once bought the second and up to the third residence, unlike other lares, where people are happy with living rental and youth share accommodation rather than aspire to own floor.

With so much accumulated welfare so much revelry at the back, is that the country must twice and half what produces a year, just when a 20% percent of the staff have lost their jobs, mortgages expire and banks no longer lend a euro to finance the enjoyed squandering. James oftentimes addresses this issue. To start creating employment, our economy should grow by 2.7% per year, what it takes to happen by low competitiveness, low productivity and the growth of the debt. You can spend a decade until will absorb all the unemployed and back where we were. But in this arduous path no longer to will be the same: labour relations, or consumer habits. The effect of the crisis is not reflected, therefore in a simple statistical table, but which represents the bankruptcy of a style of life. Original author and source of the article..

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