Seasoning Production

The residues of vegetal origin are found easily in the environment: cultural remaining portions, palhadas, capins, leves, twigs, rinds of trees, serragem, bagasses of fruits, organic garbage, which can be enriched when added the residues of animal origin as estercos, which speed up, also, the decomposition process. Compostagem is a process of aerobic decomposition of organic residues of vegetal and animal origin, carried through for microorganisms that liberate heat, under controlled conditions, that a material produces stabilized known as hmus, rich in nutrients for the plants.

Recycling of nutrients gifts in the organic residues, readily absorbed for the plants and microorganisms of the ground. Elimination of gases that they cause I smell ackward, resultant of the natural process of decomposition of the organic substance. Inativao of fitopatognicos organisms. Exploitation of the urban garbage. Advantages of the use of organic composites? When applied in the ground they increase the capacity of alone water retention, the porosity, the aeration and balances the variations of pH and temperature. They activate the life of the ground, favoring the reproduction of beneficial microorganisms to the agricultural cultures. They supply the nutrients that the plants need for its growth and development. They stimulate the development of the roots of the plants, that if become capable to absorb water and nutrients of the ground. The composition must be produced in a local shading or be covered to prevent the light excess, in land of average texture and small declivity to facilitate draining of the water excess, next to a source to water to facilitate the irrigations and close to the place being used.

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