Alcohol intoxication (alcohol content 4,85 study number 1398). (Based on the conclusion of the severity of injury, issued health facility, "9 th Clinical Hospital 01-10 / 4891 of 31.10.06g.) 07.11.2006g. from his injuries the victim has died. 4. Cause of an accident. 1.
Poor organization of work to ensure compliance production workers and labor discipline, lack of control over observance of requirements of the employee regulations on labor protection, as expressed in the admission to an employee in a state of alcoholic intoxication. Violated the requirements: Section 2, Clause 9, Article 55, paragraph 1 of Article 49 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus. 2.Neobespechenie safe operation of industrial buildings, as expressed in the operation of the stairs, not meets the requirements of normative and technical documentation. Violated the requirements of: Section 1 of Article 226 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus, para 1.94 SNIP 2.08.02-89 * 3. Violation of the requirements of the Rules of the victims of the internal labor regulations and regulations on labor protection for a cleaner area, as expressed in the appearance at work while intoxicated. Violated the requirements: p.8.3 "internal regulations" approved by the Director General of the football club in 2004, clause 1.2 manual labor protection for cleaner area number 17, approved by the Director General of State Football 2006.
5. Persons who have committed violations of labor law and labor protection. 1. SH.I.M., CEO of the state institution "Football Club", which is poorly organized work to ensure compliance with the workers of production and labor discipline is not implemented control over compliance with requirements of the employee regulations on labor protection, which resulted in the possibility of admission to an employee in a state of intoxication; not provide safe operation industrial buildings, as expressed in the operation of the stairs, not meeting the requirements of technical standards, has not fulfilled than paragraph 1 of Article 49, paragraph 2, Section 9, Article 55, paragraph 1 of Article 226 of the Labor Code of the Republic Belarus, para 1.94 SNIP 2.08.02-89 *. 2. R.V.F., cleaner area football club, who broke the regulations on labor protection for cleaner area number 17, expressed in the finding in the workplace in an intoxicated state, which violated p.8.3 "internal regulations" approved by the Director General of the football club in 2004, 1.2 manual labor protection for cleaner area number 17, approved by the Director General of the football club "Minsk" in 2006. 6. Activities to address the causes of the accident. 1.Otstranyat from the work of employees in a state of alcoholic opyaneniya.2.Zapretit operation of stairs that do not comply normative and technical documentation. Deny access to tehpodpole, technical and technological basement stairs by unauthorized persons. 3.Obespechit constant monitoring of compliance with regulatory requirements employees legal acts of local statutory aktov.4.Po circumstances and causes an accident with R.V.F., with all employees of the organization to conduct unscheduled briefing on the implementation of the order 5.Izdat measures to eliminate causes an accident with R.V.F. 7. Conclusions. On the basis of paragraph 3 of 'Regulation investigation and recording of occupational accidents and occupational diseases ", approved by the Council of Ministers Belarus on January 15, 2004 30 (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2004., 8, 5M3691), an accident with R.V.F. subject to registration of the act of an accident at work Form H-1, registration in a public institution "Football club" and included in state statistical reporting. State labor inspectors met with the relatives of the victim, who explained their rights under the law.