Oral Court Federal

The case of the illegal export of arms from Argentina to the Croatia and Ecuador happened 16 years ago was behind schedule this closed with the decision of the Oral Court Federal number 3 to declare innocent, with the vote against a unique magistrate, to Peronist ex-president Carlos Sal Menem, imputed from 2001 by an agravated contraband crime. Menem, of 81 years, that went to the reading of the verdict, will be able to continue appearing the elections like senator by the Argentine province of La Rioja, armchair that occupies from 2005. The ex-president, who exerted the position between 1989 and 1999, alleged that he had limited himself to sign decrees of export from arms to Venezuela and Panama, and that was not its responsibility if they finished in the Croatia (in war until 1995) and in Ecuador, country on which also weighed an international embargo of arms by its confrontation with Peru..

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