New York Times

Ademais, the other dog modifies the point of balance of the PEC, leading-oao soil, a time that the bite happens in the leg of the PEC.' ' (VALLE, 2009, p.18) 4.A USE VIABILITY OF the DOG OF TACTICAL ASSAULT IN the PMRN the Rio Grande of the Norteindubitavelmente, is not one megalpole nor a metropolis. It is not between oslugares more hostile of the world as Rio De Janeiro according to New York Times, but this not exempt acapital to potiguar with less of one million of inhabitants, of an occurrence decrise with located hostage has seen that it is a social event. Exactly being considered a Estadotranqilo with approximately two million inhabitants and its capital tursticaindicada for magazines specialized in businesses as one of the best cidadesbrasileiras to live themselves and to work. In the year of 2008 they had been registered police 16ocorrncias of kidnapping/private incarceration, specifically 6 in the grandeNatal and 10 in the interior of the State as statistical information of the CPM (Command of Metropolitan Policing) and of the CPI (Command of doInterior Policing). Valley to stand out that umaparte of the critical occurrences with located hostage they are registradasdiversamente as kidnapping or private incarceration, what it needs anlisemais refined of the description of the occurrences; beyond what great part of the eventoscrticos does not appear in the occurrence statistics because soconseqncia of another occurrence is understood that. This yes, is registered when in the truth distinct soocorrncias. Ahead of this, the number of critical events with would refmseria bigger.

The use of the dog deassalto in the PMRN is a viable alternative has seen the existence of umadoutrina of special operations in the State through the BOPE (Battalion Special Police deOperaes). ' ' The job of the tactical team can serutilizada in rebellions of estabelecimentosprisionais, constructions with aggressor presence, with refmou not. In relation to the boarding of vehicles, the doctrine uses the dog of formaa to search the aggressor in the vehicle, in case that it presents behavior it agressivoou resistant and that if it has information of its degree of danger, bemcomo either a fugitive, at last, any characteristic that denotes the high configuration of umaocorrncia of risco.' ' (CONSTANZA, 2008.P.47) atuarjunto with the dog in the State in critical occurrence with borrower of skillful hostage Has the possibility of the COE all emtempo, still in the phase of room of the crisis in reason of the possibility airborne dodeslocamento of the Specialized Unit, of the headquarters of the BOPE emNatal-RN, any city to potiguar in one hour, therefore the city maislonge of the Capital does not exceed in the distance of 500 km.

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