New York Mario

After a sequncia of events, Mario appeared to be mascote of Nintendo. However, before this, the desenvolvedores of the company would go to make the Popeye for the videogame, however, they had lost the rights of the personage. After that, they had initiated the creation of the game Donkey Kong, with a personage who would substitute the Popeye, of Jumpman name, but that, as the previous personage, had the objective to save the namorada one of the one claws ' brutamontes'. However, the desenvolvedores had noticed that Jumpman had a great similarity with Mario Segalli, the Italian landlord, who worked in the office of Nintendo in New York. Thus, Jumpman had its name changed for Mario, being this the origin of its characteristics that, as its Luigi brother, added to the game, is fan of the Italian gastronmicas delights. Moreover, of carpenter, Mario if transformed into plumber, due to the tubings of the game Mario Bros.

It has who says that the hero also has much similarity with Hercules, a personage plumber of drawings livened up of the studios Walter Lantz. However, few must know it, a time that it appeared only in two drawings, produced in 1957: Plumber of Seville and Goofy Gardener. After finally being servant, the game Mario was one of vendidos, being launched new versions to each new console that Nintendo developed for the market. It arrived, even though, to substitute the logomarca of Nintendo in some models, that took one ' ' M' ' in logotipo. The game Mrio exceeded the barriers of the videogames and turned televising series, walked for the world of histories in quadrinhos and even fell in telonas of the cinema, beyond frequent appearing visiting other drawings. For who always Mario liked it and its group, the sites of the Internet are an alternative for not forgetting it dear hero. With the massivo use of the Internet, little space sobrou for the videogames, that continue developing models, however, each time more similar to the computers, so that the competition if becomes less disloyal.

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