New Technologies

The extension of new technologies has forced public libraries to transcend their status as place where can only be consulted, are preserved and books are provided. Subject, video stores, rooms, computers and connectivity wifi share space and prominence with shelves full of novels, essays, encyclopedias however, this transformation is not, nor much less homogeneous. So has been verified by CONSUMER EROSKI, who has visited 18 capitals of the country 100 libraries. Only one of every four offers group study rooms, 27% lacks wifi area and tickets are only available and free of charge in 22 of 100 centres studied. In addition, 40% is not equipped with seats for viewing video or audio files. These shortcomings, however, coexist with good information and care offered in these public facilities (87% of the visited found clearly visible posters with simple instructions on how and where to find the different rooms of the library), the appropriate measures to ensure the accessibility of these venues and excellent cleaning observed in the libraries of the study (in 90% of the analyzed spaces, materials consultation and loan were in proper condition and ordered on shelves). One of every four libraries fails to approve the review of CONSUMER EROSKI, as have proven their technicians after making a visit as users in mid-December to 17 University libraries, 14 public libraries in the State and 69 municipal or regional libraries in 18 cities: Barcelona, Madrid, Murcia, Bilbao, Malaga, Seville, Valencia, Alicante, Zaragoza, Pamplona, San Sebastian, VitoriA Coruna, Cordoba, Valladolid, Cadiz, Granada and Oviedo.

The facilities were inspected to evaluate the overall status of each one of them in the field of information, services, accessibility, security and cleaning. In addition, information was requested on how processed the meat to learn, thus, the functioning of the system of loan and consultation. The final evaluation of the service offered by the Library stays in an acceptable, which is also the qualification that they deserve services paragraphs and safety installations for its part, both information and accessibility achieved a good stand out the cleaning and maintenance of libraries, with a very well.

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