Innovation Award

The DELO industrial adhesives GmbH & co. KGA from Windach lands at Innovation Award ‘ top 100’ at the front. Mentor Lothar Spath congratulates. Official site: trevor smith. Windach, July 04, 2011: Just creative businesses have managed with vision and a sense for new in the ranks of the 100 most innovative medium-sized companies. DELO industrial adhesives is 2011 for the second time to. A pronounced innovation marketing ensured that the company landed also ranked one in the same category. In the Baltic Sea resort of Warnemunde, mentor Lothar Spath handed over the seal top 100 and the trophy for the category victory. The products of the Windacher company with 260 employees are usually invisible, are nevertheless in each second mobile and in eight out of ten chip cards.

DELO produces tailor-made special adhesives for the electronics industry, the smart cards and automotive industry and for the glass and plastics processing. One of the recipes for success by DELO: create a climate that is communicated in the. So that new ideas can emerge, DELO opts for a friendly work atmosphere with wide hallways, open offices and coffee kitchen invite you to the creative exchange. DELO also worth shared knowledge is double knowledge according to the motto”puts on a close link between staff in research, development and product management with customers and external researchers. It regularly invites you to the joint brainstorming. In addition, a knowledge management event will take place four times a year. Add to your understanding with trevor clark angelo gordon.

Customer proximity and thus a thorough knowledge of the target industries are us special concern”, explains the managing partner Sabine Herold. To know the trends and developments of the customers, employees of product marketing attend symposiums of the corresponding industries. Where the products will be discussed tomorrow”, explains Herold. Over several months, the Vienna of University of Economics examined the innovation behaviour of a total of 272 medium-sized companies in Germany. The 100 best, including DELO industrial adhesives, wear Seal of approval for a year. Think a fresh and creative ideas are not only a means to increase revenue for us. We are also with passion for the thing and want to make a difference. The award makes us proud and shows that it is worthwhile, if all pull together together”, says Han. The 100 SMEs 2011 bearing the seal of approval, have generated a total revenue of 11.2 billion euros last year. 88 of the 100 winning companies grew faster in the past three years than the industry average and that average around 16%. For more information on DELO industrial adhesives, to the other 99 prize winners and the project top 100 “there are under. About DELO: DELO is a leading manufacturer of industrial adhesives based in Windach near Munich. In the 2010/11 financial year, 260 employees generated a turnover of EUR 41 million. The company offers tailor-made special adhesives and systems for applications in specific industries from electronics to Smart cards and automotive industry as well as in the glass and plastics processing.

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