
Do costs you say I love or on the contrary, you feel eager to say those two words when you just meet a person who you like? do you know that there are some negative consequences of saying I love you ahead of time? Don’t forget that the heart has its times, its rhythms, and accelerate you to another times can make you lose a chance of love very important. By ell, it is best to be patient and prudent to live day to day. The initial infatuation is characterized by universal laws: idealization, reverie, emotional dependence, intensity in feelings, changes in mood when a person under the influence of emotion happens to have so much importance in your life, in a way, you feel that someone has become irreplaceable for you. Occupies a heavy weight on your life, therefore, arises the imperative need to let know through an I love you. But the truth is that there are emerging stories that break, simply, by expressing too soon this feeling.

In general, are the girls who first need to live this romantic moment. But on the other hand, some guys are scared and walk away when they hear very soon the words I love you, since they associate it with an eternal commitment. Naturally, when someone is at the beginning of a story you don’t have everything so clear as to be assured of making promises. For this reason, it is essential to live day to day. Life is not like a Hollywood movie, therefore, also have to be prepared to accept with maturity that can tell you I love you but do not listen the long-awaited sentence: and I you. Too much hurry to listen to an I love can lead you to break things and kill the charm of naturalness. Let things flow, it appreciates actions more than words to be able to assess whether you feel loved or not. But also, be given to the message I love, the weight that really has to not trivialize and call love of something that in reality is not.

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