Dogs and Businesses

Dogs are one of the most pleasant and beautiful creatures that creation has been available for people to enjoy their company and the incomparable warmth and affection that can provide those who live around it, so it is said the dog is man's best friend, as always willing to give love, moments of friendship and happiness, always doing that any time is better, so much so that many times when a bad time for the presence of quite possibly the adorable dogs help to improve mood. In this paper, what will be done is to provide useful information for those dog lovers who want to know further about this beautiful pet friendly, according to the above mentioned first thing about dogs is their origin and how they came to the homes of most people in the world. Regarding the origins of the dogs, the most accepted idea is that these mammals are descended from wolves, hence the dogs in general kinetically are called canis lupus familiaris, which is evident from the word lupus regard to aspects of wolf or wolf, so as the development of the theory, man makes achieving 14 000 wolves adapt to domestic life, also the right thing to help him to perform tasks such as hunting, watch and guard, so the constant process of adaptation that took the dogs home life with humans and their needs, they were creating new breeds of dogs with the idea that perform better on certain tasks. Another factor that influenced the birth of new races were the climatic and geographic characteristics that were expanding and moving dogs. But it's worth a clarification of great value, which is that it is quite possible that humans have not domesticated dogs, but was a spontaneous decision by the same mammals, with the idea to benefit from best conditions offered by a life in a home, which brings out one of the most characteristic aspects that have dogs and their intelligence. So the intelligence of dogs is one of the characteristics that are most favored with these spectacular mammals to earn a special place in people's lives, because with the great development that has this quality in dogs is that they can learn to perform different tasks, they also think and reason in the presence of different problems, so much so that dogs can be trained to perform different activities, one of the best examples of the possibility offered training in dogs is the excellent performance with the dog in the various competitions that are organized as a tournament where many dogs are involved. Dogs so much with his pleasant disposition, his intelligence the love they can give people, have earned a place of great value in the lives of many households in the world.

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