Course Bachelor

(BRAZIL, 2005). How it can be observed, the law also foresees conditions of work for the health professionals, in national and state level, but what it lacks so that this if becomes a reality? Why the exclusion of this professional in relation to the well most precious one than it has: the life? The reply to these questions still they are being constructed since more tenra history of the work, since when the diligent one really he was considered enslaved. But now, in agreement with the capitalists, the workmanship hand is remunerated and the worker has freedom to consume, to choose e, who knows, to pay for its health. But he will be that he can same? The reflection around the doubts that hang on the adequate conditions so that the health professional exerts its function, still tends to go more far, therefore, to answer them if it makes necessary to pull out the sealing wax that prohibition the public politics of the country, in order to determine in which side if finds the tip of the wire that can unchain the answers and solutions. Meanwhile he fits to the professional of health of the ESF to continue fighting with the difficulties and dreaming of a better future, for itself and all those that need its efforts while diligent of the area in question: public health. BRAZIL REFERENCES. Health department.


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