Classification Of Rolling Processes

The rolling process to roll forming equipment manifold. They can be classified according to various criteria. Longitudinal, transverse and oblique (helical) is determined by the location of the axes of vzimnomu machined body and rolls. If the axis of the rolled strip is perpendicular to the axis of the rolls, the rolling is called longitudinal. In the method of rolling strip takm pereseschaetsya only forward, ie performs only translational motion. Longitudinal rolling is the most common.

For the transverse axis rolling obratyvaemogo body parallel to the rolls. Axis of the rolls rotate in one and the same storoonu. They gradually approach each other, resulting in a reduced diameter of the product, which is also rotated, but in the opposite rotation of the rollers. In the longitudinal direction of the processed body does not move (unless otherwise pulling devices). Side rollers perform an auxiliary function: they keep the product between the rollers. Cross-rolling is used in metallurgy and mechanical engineering for the production of axles, shafts, bushings, gears and other products such as bodies of revolution. Oblique rolling, also known as helical, occupies an intermediate position between the transverse and longitudinal. In this case, the axis of the rolls at an angle to each other and to the axis of the rolled round billets.

Through this arrangement the rolls in the process of harvesting rolling does not only rotational but also translational motion. Since the roll angle to the axis of the treated body is usually small (up to 12-18 degrees), oblique rolling in character closer to the transverse than longitudinal. Process skew rolling Shirikov used in the manufacture of seamless tubes, in particular the piercing mill, where a solid round billets are rough pipe – a sleeve. A special type of rolling is so called periodic rolling. It is characterized by Temo in the process of deformation of the gap height varies periodically. Most often this is achieved by giving the special rolls are not round. In this way, get Periodic profiles of rolled shape of the section which varies periodically along the length of the strip. If you change the compression is changing all the parameters of rolling, so periodic rolling can be described as non-stationary (in the transitional areas). Further, the rolling process is divided into symmetrical and asymmetrical. Symmetric rolling call such a process in which the impact of each of the rolls processed in the body is exactly the same, identical. If this condition is violated, then called asymmetric rolling. Among the asymmetric processes are: rolling in rolls of unequal diameter, rolling one drive roller, rolling at different speeds, the district rolls, rolling in the uneven (asymmetric) distribution of the mechanical properties of the height polochy, rolling under different conditions of friction on the rollers, etc. The important condition rolling process is the presence or absence of external forces applied to the ends of the strip. On this basis distinguish between free and unfree rolling. Called free rolling when the lane forces act only from the rolls. Non-free rolling is carried out with the tension or backwater all stripes. Tension force or props are adjacent rolling stands, Coiler-tensioning drums or other devices.

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