Capitalist Expansion

To speak on the Escravista System, generates much more questions of what answers, mainly when the expansion of the process of slavery with the Settling of America is mentioned, in special of Brazil. However, is necessary a diving in History to understand its formation and development throughout the centuries, pautando itself in some points between them as the Portuguese Europeans had arrived the Brazilian coast, the slave traffic, the ethnic diversity? cultural African and the accumulation of resultant capital of the Mercantile Colonialismo. In century XV, the Europe passed for a serious economic, decurrent crisis of the collapse of the Feudal System. With the lack of products and low the commercial activity, the money started to disappear of circulation, in addition did not have job for all the former-servants, who if had concentrated in the cities and its difficulties increased still more. To aggravate the problems the hunger crisis devastated the Europe, due to the prices and scarcity of foods with the death of the agricultural workers, victims of maiopr epidemic Black Plague. To sail she was necessary, in the brainstorming for the crisis.

The centralization politics, that if gave with the formation of the Modern States and the Absolutism, the practical mercantilistas, the maritime expansion and the estamental society had been the mechanisms found for the ultraticket of the crisis of sc.XIV. Although the will to know the wonders, the Europeans had much fear of the stranger. The sea caused terror to the first navigators of the Atlantic Ocean. Experts of few techniques nautical and frightened by histories of marine monsters, the Europeans were divided between the desire to know the wonders, to conquer wealth, in the unknown land, and the fear of ' ' monsters marinhos' '. In ends of century XIV, Portugal lived a process of significant changes with the dynasty of Avis, that stimulated the Portuguese ultrasea expansion.

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