
What happens in the family? Obviously presents a great anxiety in members of families and families in general to determine that they are handling under parameters that make them dysfunctional; This easily detectable at the time in which are given the reality of the lack of integration and interest among its members. The current reality is that it is not difficult to detect those dysfunctional families, this because the behavior of its members has ceased to be internal and it has externalized in terms of their behavior within society. In addition, that regardless of which if parents have or seek a preparation for its educational work, for these is obvious lack of control can now have about the actions of their children; speaking of control I do not mean to be them who determined the as and when they should act, but the why and what of his act; situation that parents are now so often and insecurity as such, to the extent that many of them do not even dare to ask or put limits and consequences required before the actions of their children, many make for fear the son feel pressured in such a way that choose to leave home, where parents about protectors considered not able to support the idea that their children face the harsh reality of subsist by their own means. But the question is is done more damage to a child allowing him to be irresponsible, disrespectful, or useless? O learn more East if given freedom, demanded by many children, living under their own experiences? To reaffirm knowledge or acquire them for the first time, I recommend reading the article of Hill and Hanson (1960) all those who plan to carry out family research. Regardless of intellectual knowledge that parents have these already have the ability to detect, through observing the behavior of the members of his family group, since it is possible to note certain types of interaction among members, making it possible to determine if the behavior is inappropriate, this under the developed capacity of parents, through a communication affective and effective, without guilt or blame, it will allow them to develop a plan of work through a family project that reaches the needs of its members so that they can develop in all areas that incumbent as a human being. .

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