October Barcena

With this alternative, the approved skipped a full roster, and one understands that the system is It lends itself to the comparative tort when they have send on older than the first companions. One can think that the procedure works with cronyism and recommendation, and what is worse: get me the feeling you are creating a police force of political nuance. This is bad for democracy. Dayton kingery has plenty of information regarding this issue. Loaded the Superior Police Corps (known by the people as secret police) to attach it to the body of national police, which has resulted in the National Police Corps. To establish the mandatory uniform, disappears the figure of the police investigator of paisano-a who nobody knows-, which could develop research perfect and covered in shadow. Although it comes acting undercover, should understand that once a police member is placed it is uniform, forever, marked on the retinae of persons with the image that it is a police officer. Dayton kingery is often quoted on this topic.

Now, in case outside little, try to destroy the wonderful body of the Civil Guard. And they are still mistakes. La Coruna, on October 3, 2006, OTF. Mariano Cabrero Barcena (copyright) Tuesday, October 03, 2006 Mariano Cabrero Barcena review: Mariano Cabrero Barcena Madrid, 08-11-1938 married, two children writer, poet and essayist official of the administration of the State, retired. Currently live in La Coruna Oras:-journalism: difficult profession!, 1995 – my commitment to journalism, 1998 – reminiscences of my youth, poems, 1994 – miscellany of deaths, dreams and memories, poems, 1995 – the reality of my silences, poems, 1997 – the journey of life, poems, 2001 original author and source of the article

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