Symptoms Pectoris

The syndrome of angina pectoris (Latin for angina pectoris, syn. Angina pectoris), probably due to the accumulation in the myocardium of lactic acid, pyruvic acid, carbonic acid and phosphoric acid as a result of ischemia (worsening blood circulation). The cause of ischemia can be atherosclerosis or coronary artery spasm. In the latter case we speak of vasomotor or angiospastic, angina. The syndrome of angina pectoris due to coronary artery atherosclerosis was first described by English physician W. Geberden in 1772 g, who pointed out the main features of pain in this form of angina pectoris: chest pain appears suddenly when walking and goes, when the patient stops.

When vasomotor angina pain occurs in alone, usually at the end of the night or early morning hours, in addition, cause of pain may be physical activity, which is usually well tolerated. Allopathic treatment of angina pectoris due to coronary atherosclerosis arteries involves administering nitrates and acetylsalicylic acid preparations. The basis of the treatment of vasomotor angina are calcium channel blockers. The problem of allopathic treatment of angina pectoris is the need of continuous use of these harmful substances. It is well known that nitrates act on the malignant stem cells in the same manner as in the cambial plant cells. As for the antagonists "Vital energy and blood," which essentially means the same thing. Methods of Chinese medicine are the stimulation of healing points moksibustsiey (warm glow cones from sagebrush fibers), Chinese needle or finger pressure, and micro-bleeding.

For the treatment of vasomotor angina using the basic and auxiliary medical terms. The choice of auxiliary points is determined by medical syndrome Chinese nosology, part which is an angina. These syndromes include: "lack of energy", "congestion", "lack of yin *, lack of yang *, Cluster of phlegm." * The concept of yin-yang is an ancient Chinese principle of dialectical natural philosophy, associating all things to one of the two poles. According to this principle, the yin to the pole is that the more dark, cold, calm, constant, the pole yang is that the lighter, warm, moving, changeable. Example: vasomotor angina, a syndrome of "lack of energy" Symptoms include anginal pain, not associated with stress, accompanied by a transient rise of ST; heartbeat, pale tongue with thin white coating, pulse thin, deep in the third point on the right barely noticeable. Treatment: medical terms have been selected jueyinshu & naiguan, as a base, qihai & zusanli, as auxiliary. We used a method of finger pressure in combination with controlled deep breathing and moksibustsiey. After the third year (total 30 sessions) treatment was completed. Observation: During the nearly two-year observation period, the painful symptoms are absent.

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