Rio De Janeiro

The monastic schools in monasteries moved away from the city, that initially aimed at the formation of monges, but later from laypeople of the classrooms proprietors also survived; with the sprouting of the mercantile economy in the cities, they also appear the episcopal, urban schools, destined to form the secular clergy (that one that participated of the social life) and laypeople. Thus the cities had gained importncias and new schools had been appearing at the time. Toms de Aquino standed out the value of the reason human being and to know with it functions, to start for the sum of commanding to understand, here it is ones of its phrases: ‘ ‘ The wisdom is the biggest perfection of the reason and its main function is to perceive the order in coisas’ ‘ ‘ ‘ The master provokes knowledge when making to operate the natural reason of discpulo’ ‘. ‘ ‘ Three things are necessary for the salvation of the man: to know what it must believe, to know what it must desire and know what it must fazer’ ‘ BIBLIOGRAPHICAL .REFERENCIA ALARCN, E.; FAITANIN, P. the Present time of Tomismo. Rio De Janeiro: Seventh Stamp, 2008 OAK, Jose Vidigal of. They are Toms de Aquino, an admirable philosopher. Available in: .

Access in 9 of May of 2009. FAITANIN, P. the Wisdom of the Love: Initiation to the Philosophy of Toms Saint de Aquino. Notebooks of Aquinate N. 2. Niteri: Aquinate institute, 2008 MARTINS SON, Ives Gandra. Schematical manual of history of the philosophy.

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