As well as candombl, the islamismo also was important, even so has had little adepts in Brazil. The islamismo already was a religion established in the north of Africa since century VII (id; ibd.). Being thus, he is not stranger whom amongst the enslaved ones brought for Brazil the ones have also come that they practised this religion. The islamismo kept the moral force, spiritual, organizativa and created a collective identity for its followers (GENNARI, 2008), as well as candombl. According to Gennari (ibd.), ‘ ‘ The simple fact of African blacks to keep unbroken Muslim rituals represents a removal of the proper escravagista order that, in accordance with the 1824 constitution, chooses the catolicismo as religion of State, only with right the ceremonies pblicas.’ ‘ The PRESS No longer beginning of century XX, the black populations of great urban centers had been organized to occupy its place in the Brazilian citizenship. At such time the first periodicals had appeared in So Paulo of ‘ ‘ the press negra’ ‘ , that they defended they divulged ideas proper of the afrobrasileiras organizations. Some of these periodicals had been: The Menelick, the getulino and the Post office d’ Ebony. ‘ ‘ the press negra’ ‘ it lasted until the decade of 1960 and had a very specific public: it made to circulate only subjects of interest of its public (MIRANDA, 2008).

The PAID WORK AND UNDER EMPLOYMENT the abolition of the slavery did not lock up the period of shortage for the afrobrasileiros. The former-enslaved ones, legally free citizens, ‘ ‘ they go to emigrate to the new economic polar regions city dwellers. Veem loosers for the foreign competition, become delinquents, trying violent blow in its auto-esteems and identidades’ ‘ (OLIVEIRA Jr, 2008) (Sic). One has left of former-slaves, libertos before the law, already it works as ‘ ‘ posseiros’ ‘. But those that remain in the field become besiegers and partners in subsistence farmings (GENNARI, ibd.). Excessively they are obliged to follow for the cities. It did not have available space for who took the last option.

this space diminished vertiginously in little time: five years after the end of the slavery (1893), the European immigrants occupied 84% of the jobs in the industries; in 1901 they occupied 92% of these jobs (id. ibd.). This situation alone would start to be reverted from the second decade of century XX. With the scarcity of work caused for immigrations, new forms to gain the life had been servants, ‘ ‘ inventadas’ ‘ for the black people. Activities that before were limited to the places of fetichism and the black communities, had been to the few being led to the streets as economic activities.

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