Money should be spent on education, energy, health and Internet money should be spent Berlin for education, energy, health and Internet – the Federal Government for State investment in the stimulus packages will spend 19.7 billion euros. But these investments go to a large extent in the wrong direction. They contribute little to the long-term strength of growth in Germany. This result is a study of the DIW econ in behalf of the initiative new social market economy (INSM). Improvements are urgently, so that the measures to combat the recession increase the long-term growth potential of in Germany”said DIW Chief Prof.
Klaus Zimmermann in Berlin. “His conclusion: because the economic programme lacks a clear conception, waste of money is inevitable.” DIW econ examined where the location Germany has the largest investment needs and is the most profitable investment. This optimum investment program was then with the State future investment programme amounting to 19.7 planned Compared to billions of euros. Result: Between State spending and the optimum investment program klaffe a significant gap: so the guidelines provide an improvement of infrastructure such as roads, railways and waterways for the allocated funds in the national economic recovery. Germany is but anyway very well at this common base infrastructure. Here the billions of euros are worthwhile at least, because no additional growth impulses are to be expected more”, according to the study. In contrast, investment in improving the quality of education, energy efficiency, health promotion and the development of Internet infrastructure, for example through comprehensive broadband provision in rural areas were missing. Here, Germany have a need for high in international comparison.
4.4 billion euros should be invested in the education sector, specifically in improving education facilities. Investment programme of the Federal Government lacks a clear concept. The investments will flow not there, where it’s most bring the growth strength of in Germany, but where authorities and municipalities already intend to spend money. The investment programme is therefore more a large-scale program of public subsidies. Why investments are not specifically used to about the objectives of the Education Summit or the action plan for the prevention of overweight”, wonders INSM CEO Max A. Hofer he calls for a sustainable approach to taxpayers: to finance the economic stimulus packages, the Federal Government has taken a record per capita debt of 20,000 euros in buying. The taxpayers expect the investments there are flowing, where they have the best effect.” A message from NeueNachricht. NeueNachricht is responsible for the content.