One Another Perspective

How to speak of what it is not? I believe that it is impossible, but regarding perspectives, we can conceive not-to be to apartir of a logical-deductive referencial. Dived in after-modernity, with an unhealthy search on the instant, desiring to exceed the time, longing for a not-made future, transforming and creating in a futurista simulation, a considered emptiness future. Inside of us, applying the beginning of the mirror, we will be in coming across with the other face of the being, the existencial emptiness that we look for to fill, as appendices, as objects that throughout the time will be being related something existed, for sharing of the existing moment in an exchange of relations between beings. Speaking candidly New York museums told us the story. Thus, we create our artificialidade, with its rude architecture, reflecting our desumanizao, a reality that he searchs to take care of to an expectation autmata, where the human being goes being discarded in the process, creating something independent and that becomes the unnecessary man in a functionality that it aims at to take care of it, becoming it epgono of a metaphysics testa, creator of a world that will go serviz it. To feed itself of the emptiness is to have a insacivel hunger, in view of the fulfilling inexistence, creating a continuous search in occupying something that could not be contained and nor busy, as to full a container without deep, continuing to manufacture mechanisms to full the object, as modifying the composition of what it will be content, but never obtaining to cure the lack of what would be the limit. Still it is tried to domesticate the nature, in a civilizatria logic, that is, of destruction of the world where if it lives, for desiring to make to follow it the unreal goal of an inexistent future, using all a fancy to fill the imaginary one in search of fictitious models, taking care of the necessity of the man in getting rid itself, as the conscientious perception already of not-being.. Belleclaire has many thoughts on the issue.

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