New Selection Process

The recruitment tests are progressing so much that what might have been considered fictional can become reality. Because, for example, yque think if you say that companies can incorporate an MRI as further evidence when deciding whether the candidate is valid or not for the position offered? This is what emerges from a study by psychologist Turhan Canli U.S., State University of New York at Stony Brook. From research carried out by the student as a conclusion is drawn that the results of a scanner can conclude which is the subject’s personality analysis. This means that the test could replace traditional psychometric tests, in the same way, seek to define the personality of the candidate. Thus, the study by Dr.

Canli says, thanks to the use of this methodology, you can get to know if a person is outgoing, sociable, or more depressive While prone to anxiety. According to claims in its investigation, These extroversion and neurotism are related to differences in brain activity of each individual, activating specific brain regions in each casou. The findings are very interesting, but yen that was exactly the study carried out by Turhan Cali? A total of fourteen women aged 19 to 42 years underwent a series of experiments. these show consisted of a series of images considered positive, and as many as negative. Among the first were photos of newborns, a happy pair of lovers, a cute puppy, a beautiful sunset or an inviting eating ice cream.

Among the latter, negative, contained pictures of weapons, cemeteries and unpleasant or dangerous animals: spiders, dogs showing their fangs, snakes … In addition to these images, they were also showing participants a series of words of positive and negative character. Each one was written with a different color.

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