Industrial Revolution

Sociology, had as a set of produced activities to explain the social life, has little time behind still was badly seen for the Brazilian universities and some other South American governments. This because, to if dealing with an intellectual project, diverge opinions, being able to be considered since instrument for greater reach to be able on the part of the elites to powerful ' ' arma' ' of revolution of the popular layers. The sprouting of such science in sends the centuries behind to them, when the feudal society lost space for the capitalism and thus innumerable problems had appeared, such as unemployment, laboring illnesses and revolts, which would unchain a bigger analysis of the society and the search for one better social organization. These problems had after appeared double occured revolution in the Europe of century XVIII, in special and Industrial Revolution, that led, to the few, the society to the category of ' ' problema' ' to be investigated. Although still in century XVII it had intellectuals interested in the social analysis, it was only with iluministas thinkers (century XVIII) that the society passed to be analyzed of rational form and not more deductive. As Condorcet said, the social phenomena would have to be seen in a more logical scope, which called of ' ' mathematics social' ' , one of the iluministas forms to deny the existing society openly.

Iluministas, according to intellectual of the bourgeoisie, it must have a revolution in the customs and behaviors of the society. However, for this, it was necessary to know the reality and the effective power. The revolution proposal was so great that, a time in the power, the proper bourgeoisie scared itself with its dimension and needed to elaborate ways to contain it and to prevent too much revolts, using as motto ' ' organization and perfectioning of sociedade' '. Of this form, it is perceived that the sprouting of sociology was not by chance, but happened for practical interests, come back to rethink the problem of the social order, taking in account the respect the values as social hierarchies, authorities and family. It is in this period also in that notable becomes the positivismo of Comte, officializing sociology and becoming it one in the ways most efficient to study, to intervene and to improve the civilizations.

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