
Hello Holly, Already I returned to work the pain and picazn has gone away completely and it is a great blessing! – Mike M. RECENT TESTIMONY: ” Two days My hemorroides have calmed me picazn and the sangramiento Gracias.” has been stopped have improved much; I am using method H Miracle three times to the day, during the last ones two days. By the same author: Francois-Henri Pinault. My hemorroides have calmed and picazn and the sangramiento already was stopped to me. I have not had constipation, but on the contrary now I go bathroom after each food already almost I do not have pain. Unique that I have is one picazn and the pain in the anus. Thank you very much P.J. Sydney, Australia Your you are what you eat, and one delas majors causes of the hemorroides is the constipation that is caused as well by the bad ones to nutritional habits or the use of opioides That are the opioides: The opioides are prescribed frequently by their analgesic effective properties to alleviate the pain.

The analgesic opioides are a drug group that owns great analgesic activity, half-full by the activation of receivers specific in the system nervous central and peripheral, that are derived natural from the opium, or derived semisynthetic or analogous synthetic with many characteristics common. More information here the severe constipation, induced by the use of opioides it aggravates the quality of life of the people, because it generates hemorroides or hemorrhoids, abdominal pain, you feel nauseous, I vomit, abdominal distencin, sensation of incomplete evacuation, sensation of mass in the colon. The 90 by the way of the patients who receive analgesic for the treatment of the pain can present/display constipation and hemorroides that its quality of life affects. It is by that this suffering one has become the main reason for which the patients stop taking the opioides in order to hold the pain and not the constipation triggering factor the hemorroides.

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