Happy Harmonious

Is it possible to unfold and is happy to live his life in today’s rough economic world? If you look at the average life of a Western man, notice that the person, the individual in the background is pushed. Due to the Western, capitalist system, people must pay more to get their wealth. Whether individuals but would like to, or family and his ideas in line can bring, is rather secondary importance in today’s economic environment. The consequence is an ever-increasing curve of mental illnesses such as burn out or other forms of depression. Headline by Spiegel Online of the 28.1.2013: rapid increase in mental illness 54 million days cause the number of sick leave due to mental illness have risen significantly. 53.5 Million days were 2010 in Germany. in 2001 there were 33.6 million.

The Government is nevertheless no acute need for action. At the same time, but also more and more people are getting richer. Fulfill yourself her life’s dream and live their lives exactly so, as you can just imagine it. And each year more millionaires. Solution approaches Reinhard Mayr is Dipl.

mental trainer and shows in his eBook double your luck”, how to be happy, harmonious and successful in the today’s time. A Man Thinketh on average approximately 60 000 thoughts per day and 400 words per minute. 3% Based on, helpful thoughts that benefit yourself or others are however only approximately. 25% – destructive thoughts that hurt yourself or others. 72% – volatile, insignificant thoughts that are just a waste of time and energy. EVERYTHING starts with the mind – in the intellectual, the cause for everything is placed without exception – can not, without that it was thought before. But what does it mean if we think positive, helpful thoughts only 3%? In fact, we create our world with our thoughts? The answer is so clear as also relevant. Yes, we create our own world with our thoughts. All our wishes, objectives such as all material Things we own, were formerly thought. If we consider one as we or others can achieve, we make us wondering. We us worry more about a particular topic, the thoughts construct to this topic becomes more dense. Our opinions and attitudes are the result of this construct of thought, then. Our thoughts also affect our self-confidence and our entire life. Diseases such as burnout and depression are just a product of disharmony of our thoughts. So be your own psychologist and multiply the number of positive thoughts and reduce the number of negative thoughts. It will do you good!

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