A very typical custom of the Spaniards is to copy the inventions that come from other countries. The problem that arises out of this habit is that normally what we import from abroad is not characterized by the service for humanity: when fascism in Germany and Italy, begin here, Franco quickly appeared to impose their ideas to the force; When U.S. imposed savage capitalism model soon assimilate it; When these same decided that we had to invade countries in the Middle East Mr Aznar quickly noted the task; Now we hear the scandals of Berlusconi in Italy and Spain, in parallel, they appear cases of corruption in one of many, very important positions though it is probably the most important, is given in the Valencian Community, whose President has probably accepted expensive suits in exchange for significant contracts. In his political party shoulders have all come together to defend him even though they themselves are willing to appear one similar case elsewhere political groups to launch quickly into the jugular and drop that if among their ranks are given such problems, they subsanarian the difficulty quickly. But, paradoxically nobody has put on trial the honesty of Camps but it seems that it takes all the losing before the law. Moreover, we are engaged to obstruct the process to hinder the normal performance of Justice as much as possible (which in this country is already slow of itself). Seen how things are, as normal in a democratic country is that the aforesaid resign, at least until the situation is clarified, and if the accused is guilty, his political party should quickly remove him from its ranks and prohibit you replenish to join, so thus citizenship perceived that there is still a minimum of honesty and good judgment in Spanish politics (I don’t think that pleases any Spanish know that the person It is ruling him is a criminal).
If you declare the accused innocent, this should return ipso facto to its charge and, if seems you announce your honesty to great fanfare. However, this is not what has happened in this case. And while all signs point to his guilt, he continues in his Office, which is also very important, because being President of the Generalitat Valenciana entails a responsibility that must be accepted to their ultimate consequences. On the other hand, it seems that the PP is thought to the most effective way to deal with the possible loss of votes that likely will result from these scandals hide information and dodging the questions asked to them on the subject. However a citizen with two fingers of forehead (regardless of your ideological trend) would best eyes that were the theme without taboos and that any imputed to stop (though only temporarily) your charge to ensure the people (whose welfare should always be the priority of any party) that legality is maintained within his Government. These cases of corruption should be a disgrace to our country and citizens only they possess two weapons to eliminate it: your vote and the demonstration. But is every one who should decide whether you care or not that their leaders fill your Pocket (or dress design suits) thanks to money from the taxpayer and decide whether this is not a matter of anger.