First International Congress

And in a space of seven months, two hundred and twenty sent letters asking for forgiveness. a Ahora I can live in peace, because I forgave. And if anyone still has its hatred, that God will touch your life so that one day they do he says with a smile lighting his face. to the consciousness of sin robs us tranquility. While we are not right with the Lord, will feel the sensation that something is missing. For that reason, there are three recommended steps: first, repent for the fault committed so far, second, ask God's forgiveness for our sins, and the third available for trade with His divine power.

2 .- a Feed the habit of joy in Colombia recently, the First International Congress of Happiness. The experts agreed that the problem of human beings is that they confuse happiness with mood, and the fact that they are variables, what we now call being happy, in hours and minutes can be a concern or bitterness. True happiness, experts explained, part of a principle of life that is permanent. a Now, if we are to produce the reinforcement of that happiness is not the product of circumstances but as a principle of life, we must have inner peace, the same as part of a good relationship with God. a l is the giver of happiness as described by King David: a Tu put gladness in my heart more than they have when their grain and plentiful wine.

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