Education Space

Today, children spend most of their time at school or in areas where it provides a formal equation to practice extracurricular activities. This makes it imperative that all areas that have access and who spend considerable time are packaged to suit your needs, as we made clear in the previous section. Therefore, it is necessary to know the premises of the Toy Library as areas used by children. – Classrooms: The adequacy of the rooms for the game is based on the age of the children and their educational needs. In the early years and suggestive need large areas where they can experiment, manipulate and explore the space and materials. Also, when they get older, must have other areas where you can play freely and group activities. NYC Mayor takes a slightly different approach. Organize the classroom by sector or corners causes in each of these spaces perform a different activity. – Toilets: This space is very important in a Toy Library as it does an event that for children have great educational value, such as personal hygiene.

So the environment should be warm, homely and with personality. It is sought for the presence of materials with which children are identified and those who promote healthy hygiene habits. The toilet has to be at the height of children, as well as lavatories. The temperature should be adjustable and controllable valves in adults. The ground covered with durable material, waterproof, so water can be collected and prevent slipping. It's a good idea to put photo paper everyday situations that reflect something in the service, to encourage the personalization of this space.

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