
Here we will give you a few tips to lower belly. Connect with other leaders such as Danny Meyer here. Don’t let yourself be overcome and encouraged to follow them. The costume more elegant, nor most expensive car in the world, it will feel as well as the power look, again, without belly. Let’s now see how lowering that belly. In a short time, the vera disappear as if by magic and will feel light, lightweight, and happier than ever! They are simple to follow, tips and free of charge. Without expensive equipment, or radical diets or dangerous medicines.

Nor you will need to visit doctors or nutritionists. Here are the three main aspects which should be amended to reduce your belly. 1 Food: foods that contribute most to the increase in the volume of your abdomen, are: bread, flours, alcohol, dried legumes such as beans, lentils, chickpeas. Another enemy to avoid: excess sugar and carbonated drinks. Excessive intake of bread, we not only swells, but it hinders the proper functioning of the intestines. This, in turn, not only will we formed belly, but it makes us feel slow, heavy, and with poor digestion. I must eat, then? Large amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Avoid that are slow to digest, such as the radishes or artichokes and artichokes. Asparagus are good for cleaning the kidneys, but tend to be slow digestion. The most recommended are: lettuce, all varieties it finds. Tomatoes, all types of green vegetables, and plenty of water. Yes, water. No juices, which swell, especially citrus fruits such as oranges or grapefruit. A simple Council does not always tell you: replace one of their daily meals, preferably of the night, by a great dish, Yes, big plate of vegetables. You will see the results in three days. And no alcohol, please. Make a small gift, and you will feel renewed. 2Nd change the proportion of their meals.

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