
In synthetic way, we say that the Christian theology is a reflection, critical, hopeful and wise systematics and, on the Christian faith, lived and transmitted in the eclesiais communities, the service of the evangelizao. Alfonso Murad. Perhaps check out dayton street for more information. The word? theology? , as well as other theological terms (Trindade, for example) it is not found written in the Bible. The term is plus one of the inheritances that the Christianity acquired of the old Greek world in running of its history. Before exactly from the sprouting of the Christianity, in classic Greece, the Greek poets already received the heading from ‘ ‘ telogos’ ‘ for composing and make a speeching verses for deuses. ‘ ‘ Homero and Hesodo had told the estrias regarding deuses using the special vehicle of the myth; the theology of them was mtica’ ‘ . ‘ ‘ Scrates if related to one of the three disciplines of the theoretical philosophy as ‘ ‘ teologia’ ‘.

This disciplines was known later as ‘ ‘ metafsica’ ‘ or? met you physik? . Plato (427-347 a.C) in turn, used the term ‘ ‘ teologia’ ‘ to state the speech critical-rational on deuses of mythology. With Aristotle (384-322 a.C), the term already is used to mention itself to the study of? To be? more excellent or supreme. In this in case that, ‘ ‘ Aristotle already delimits for the theology determined field to know, beyond, to the times, to also use it in the direction of fbulas mitolgicas’ ‘ . What it is known, at the beginning of the first Christian communities, not ‘ ‘ existia’ ‘ theology in this organized and systematic direction as if knows today, did not have at least the job of the word theology for the Christian community. In the Christianity, the use of the term theology started to be used first for the Christians of the East, more necessarily in the School of Alexandria (Clemente and Orgenes) to mention itself to the Christian knowledge of God.

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